Friday, November 20, 2015


Week two of demolition has uncovered some goodies. More walls have come down and each day when I arrive there are little ditties to share. A 1978  CR phone book was encased in the kitchen wall and today a sweet little nest of eggs was discovered in the bathroom wall! How mama bird found her way to behind the drywall and in the insulation we will never know. I'm pretty sure the eggs are old. OF COURSE, I am keeping them. I love stuff like that! Its. not. weird.
Where is my mother?
The original structure of the house is slowly becoming evident. Dave has figured out where the several additions have been added and where the stairs originally went to the basement. A cool brick wall was found in one area - it was the original back of the garage and where the present dining room was added. Not sure if we will expose it. It would take sand blasting and a ton of work!
I have been slowly painting in the basement. Rog and I will tackle more this weekend. My car has become full of paint cans, supplies, Home Depot bags & receipts, and Stan's stuff as he accompanies me on my work days.
Hardwood flooring will be ordered soon as well a plumbing fixtures. I picked out some sweet mercury glass pendants for over the island. Cabinets will arrive mid December.
Our GC, aka The Master, Dave hard at work.
The lovely tub and shelf are already gone:)
Did we buy this house?? Hell yes. It's gonna be awesome. 
This is a labor of love that will evolve over time. 
How did this get here?? I asked Rog if I could get chickens for the yard and he answered, "Absolutely not".  Maybe a couple goats then... Wait till I drop that bomb on him!! (If you know Rog, you know I will NEVER win!)

And no...the house has still not sold. God has a plan and its a good one.


  1. Oh Jules ! Such fun! And you have such a great attitude! It is going to be a LOT of work for a while, but think of all you are learning! Just think of how awesome it will be NEXT christmas when all the boys come home! :)

    1. I know! Who knew I would become versed in headers, sub floors, structural beams, and other contractor lingo??- hopefully one day the house will be filled with them and their gals on holidays.
