Monday, August 24, 2015

Pieces of the Puzzle

The process of the remodel is new to us. There are some many pieces of the puzzle that it takes to get to the initial swing of the hammer and big picture. Don't let the HGTV shows deceive you; it takes way longer than 30 minutes to design, plan, budget, permit, demolish, and build!

 With that said, there have been things happening in the process and we keep getting one step closer to that 'initial hammer swing.' I have been working closely with our designer, Rebecca Musielak of 303 Development. She is a gem and has gotten to know my quirky personality and what kind of style that I like. We have shopped for appliances and plumbing already. Little did I understand that you can't order kitchen cabinets until you choose the appliances. Seems backward to me, but I comprehend it now! Gotta make sure that beautiful stove will fit in the space that we allotted for it with the cabinets.
 I chose my gas range, stainless refrigerator, convection microwave, dishwasher and wall hood. Rebecca came along to Specialty Appliance and walked me through the pros and cons of different options. Next came the plumbing. We went to a showroom of all things plumbing. Doesn't sound that exciting, right? Well it was! I decided on the tub, faucets, sinks, towel rods, and wait for it.....the toilet. 
Rog and I met with Rebecca last week to finalize the design on paper. The structural engineer has been to the house to inspect the walls that are coming out. The wall between the kitchen and great room IS a structural wall, so that will be a big part of the planning. There will be a big beam added to support the roof when that wall comes out. We sat and poured over four designs that she presented to us; all with different options. We got more and more excited as we pictured what our house will eventually become! We combined elements from the designs and came  up with the final design. As I said, one step closer. The reclaimed wood on the island that will be custom colored, the fireplace in the master bedroom, exposed brick on the original fireplace stack, industrial pipe shelving  in the kitchen-we can't wait!
Rebecca has sent the design off to Dave to review. Dave will have a trade walk thru with the sub contractors this week to present the design for their bids. He will also (I think) apply for the permit with the city. The city has to have the final design plans before issuing a permit, so I am hoping that will come soon. We are having a little 'Before Party' as soon as Dave gets us a start date. Then will follow with an 'After Party' to reveal all the magic.
Meanwhile, I visit the house every day to do little projects on the outside. l got the fountain working in the back. I think her name will be Aquafina (thanks Kim K). I raked and shoveled rock out of an area in the front so I could add some plants before fall comes. Let me say that raking rocks really STINKS! The list continues with things to do.
Before (its bigger than it looks!!)
Gus loves Aquafina.

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